Fixing a really ugly model: A post-script to our demo of simple Bayesian inference
In a recent blog (click here ) I illustrated how to conduct Bayesian inference by applying it to a toy fishing prediction problem. This blog post hopes to offer an improvement. For a full understanding you'll need to read the original post, although you can skip over the description of my fishing trip. There is revised code too for this blog, which runs in Matlab or Octave; you can get the code here . The earlier blog was intended to show how easy it is to execute this form of inference and to provide some example code. Although I said the model was not to be taken too seriously, there were some “ugly” features of the model which were very awkward and gave paradoxical results. The purpose of this blog is to provide a neater version of the model and so avoid the inherent contradictions of the previous version. In the model we tried to infer or predict the number of available fish, denoted v , in the swim which an angler is fishing. The “swim” is the part of the water in front of the...